Since 1999, we have advocated for youth in Guadalupe, Arizona by assisting them through free after school programming, including tutoring, skill building, and enrichment activities. Our program is held in the Guadalupe Mercado for Preschool-12th grade. Flight 33 also serves 250-300 children a year through our back-to-school backpack program and basic needs assistance. Education is our number one priority, but children won’t attend school if they don’t have shoes, clothes, hygiene items, and school supplies. Much of the work of Flight 33 is accomplished by volunteers and through donations.
Our Vision
All children have the tools necessary to excel in school, including homework help, skill building help, basic needs, and school supplies.
Children are given the chance to enrich and develop their abilities and talents.
Parents are made to feel a part of the process of education and can take pride in the success of their children.
Children know that they have opportunities and are capable of achieving success in school and extracurricular activities.
FLIGHT 33 was born on February 17, 1999, as Christine Puzauskas watched the evening news in her home in Tempe, Arizona. A tragedy had just occurred in the town of Guadalupe, Arizona. A murder-suicide left six children without parents and their grandmother, mourning the loss of her daughter, as their sole caretaker. Chris, moved by the tragedy, found the family and discovered that 20 grandchildren were affected by the loss. Chris's family, and the church youth program she founded, FLIGHT, Freedom to Live the Truth®, began helping the family. Volunteers brought food, clothes and helped the children with homework. This service component of the youth program evolved into FLIGHT 33. FLIGHT 33 was awarded, 501 (c)(3) status in 2003. Chris, as volunteer director, and a dedicated board of directors and FLIGHT crew continue the mission.